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                                                                        Headshot of UCF faculty member Manoj Chopra  IntegrityStar Award Certificate


In this Recognition section, we’d like to acknowledge Dr. Manoj Chopra, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS), for his commitment to the university’s process for evaluating and investigating concerns raised through the UCF IntegrityLine and his support of the university’s Comprehensive Compliance Program. Without the great working relationships with many of the dean’s offices across campus, it would be challenging for University Compliance and Ethics to address all of the concerns raised to the office. One relationship that particularly stands out is with Dr. Chopra.

Upon receipt of an IntegrityLine report notification from our office, Dr. Chopra promptly acknowledges receipt of the concerns raised and commits to evaluating and responding as quickly as possible. Through his reviews, if Dr. Chopra substantiated any of the allegations, he took appropriate corrective action. For most of the cases that were not substantiated, he still identified and recommended improvement measures.

Dr. Chopra’s commitment to compliance and ethics goes beyond his duties within CECS. From May 2005 through April 2009, he served as the Chair of the UCF Faculty Senate and as a member of the UCF Board of Trustees, working closely with university offices resulting in new or revised university policies and development of guidelines for the UCF presidential search process. In July 2012, Dr. Chopra became a member of the Florida Board of Governors, serving in this role through August 2014. During this time, he represented all faculty members in the state on a variety of matters including legislative actions. Dr. Chopra also supports UCF’s Athletics Compliance Office by serving as the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative since July 2013. In this role, he works with the UCF Athletics Association and with faculty on matters related to academics, compliance, and eligibility of our student athletes.

We wanted to publicly acknowledge Dr. Chopra for his contributions. He is a pleasure to work with and we value his partnership.


If you see someone doing the right thing, write to us and tell us about it. Who knows, maybe they will be featured in our next IntegrityStar edition.