Privacy Compliance

University Compliance and Ethics staff assist UCF employees, students, and others affiliated with the university by providing guidance involving adherence to data protection laws and regulations, as well as university policies, and instituting best practices for maintaining the privacy and integrity of university data.

UCF’s Data Classification and Protection Policy (4-008) outlines the importance of protecting restricted and related data and applies to all employees of UCF who maintain or use university data. This includes all full-time and part-time employees, adjuncts and others on temporary or time-limited appointments, all volunteers and courtesy appointees, student workers, and all persons paid by or through the university, such as contractors, consultants, or employees of direct support organizations (DSOs).

UCF’s Privacy Notice shares information about how the university protects and treats personal and other confidential information and shares several resources to assist website visitors, including students, staff, and faculty.

Please look over our Privacy Compliance brochure for more information and contact us with questions or for assistance via this form

<p>View UCF Employee<br />Code of Conduct</p>

View UCF Employee
Code of Conduct

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