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In August 2018, Christina Serra, Director of Compliance and Ethics and Interim Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer presented to the Board of Trustees Audit and Compliance Committee the positive results of our second Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey. With help from the staff in the UCF office of Operational Excellence and Assessment Support, we were able to compare the results to the 2016 survey results and were excited to see such positive increase in employee awareness on areas such as locating policies and procedures, regulations, and the level of comfort speaking up. Of particular note, was how 86% of employees who participated in the survey reported that they were familiar with our Code of Conduct. Find out more about these positive results in the article on the Culture Survey. Another excellent article in this edition includes a roadmap or “driving directions” on using the Code of Conduct, and don’t miss the article on when to blow the whistle.

Additionally, you’ll want to read the In the Spotlight section which highlights a fairly new and important policy from University Audit, UCF 2-010, Whistle-blower Determination and Investigation Policy. We also bring you an article that discusses reporting in general, along with questions and answers in our FAQ section. As always we have a cartoon and short video on this same topic that we hope you enjoy.

Compliance and Ethics Week is celebrated nationally the first full week of November each year and during November 5-9, 2018, University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk will schedule activities to raise awareness about compliance and ethics topics and the role of our office. Information on activities that week will be posted in advance on our website and will be available at our table during the Benefits Fair on October 24 so please stop by!

As always, we welcome your suggestions for future topics and your feedback. Please write to us at