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In this Recognition section, we have no single employee or department we’d like to recognize, but rather, we want to acknowledge all individuals who have bravely stepped forward to report real or suspected misconduct. Whether to the UCF IntegrityLine, through direct contact to our office, or through another central administrative office, because of individuals who are willing to speak up, we’ve been able to improve working conditions, address violations of policy, regulation, or state statutes, and in some cases, advocate for appropriate disciplinary measures.

We expect our employees to make good faith reports of suspected or observed misconduct. When an employee fails to report because they believe they are protecting their co-workers or leadership, they are only hurting the university and other employees. By maintaining our reputation for compliance and ethics, you are actually benefiting our university and all of the employees that work here.

In most situations, an individual’s misconduct is not intentional and the sooner the error is reported, the quicker it can be resolved.  You should also realize that if you have observed a situation that should be reported, chances are good that someone else has made a similar observation.  In the long run, the employee may benefit from having the situation reported or reporting it her/himself. At times, it may seem that pressure to reach a goal opens the door to ignoring policies or procedures. Our office never advocates cutting corners or bending policies, regulations, or laws in order to achieve goals.

Reporting is essential for the health and well-being of our university.  Thank you for reporting.






If you see someone doing the right thing, write to us and tell us about it. Who knows, maybe they will be featured in our next IntegrityStar edition.