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In this edition of the IntegrityStar, we would like to highlight the work of Dr. Kuebler and Dr. Beever, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor Chemistry and Philosophy College of Sciences and College of Arts and Humanities. Dr. Kuebler and Dr. Beever are leading a COACHE-funded effort to help cultivate a culture of ethics at UCF. Their long-term goal is to help UCF stakeholders pivot from simply following rules to actively engaging with ethics, so that making good decisions (and following rules) becomes second nature.

The work includes cultivating an institutional culture of ethics and responsible conduct (ERC) by developing ERC workshops for new faculty, post docs, and graduate students. Through this program, participants will develop a robust understanding of ERC as it applies to their professional work as well as pedagogical training to support their becoming ERC advocates in their home disciplines. The pilot experience will be used to plan and propose a larger FCTL summer seminar in ERC. The innovative approach is designed to benefit graduate students’ transitions into professional careers, faculty members’ professional development and mentoring capacities, and strengthening of an institutional culture of ethics.