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In each IntegrityStar edition, we highlight some frequently asked questions. In this thirteenth edition, we offer the following questions and answers regarding the UCF Procurement process.

The following FAQs provide general guidelines for all employees. For more specific guidance, please contact the appropriate office, or University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk at

What are the competition requirements for purchases?

Per UCF policy, departments are permitted to shop around for their own goods and services for purchases less than $75K. To ensure the university is obtaining fair pricing, purchase amounts between $10,000.01 and $35,000.00 require two informal competitive quotations, (i.e. verbal from the supplier), which must be annotated on the requisition. Purchases between $35,000.01 and $75,000.00 require three formal competitive quotations (submitted on the supplier’s letterhead). Purchases exceeding $75K must be formally solicited through Procurement Services via Invitation to Bid or Invitation to Negotiate unless there is a valid exemption to competition. Additional information can be found in the Procurement Services Procedures Manual under Section 3B.

What is the process to obtain a signature for a contract, agreement, or terms and conditions?

All contracts should be submitted through the university’s contract management system, CobbleStone. Please review the Office of the General Counsel’s Contracts Review page and Legal Services page for more information, as well as UCF Policy 2-102.3 Contract Review.

All contracts submitted through CobbleStone must follow the appropriate procurement process (e.g., competition, exemption, piggyback contract). Each contract should be accompanied by the Office of the General Counsel’s Contract Routing Form. Contracts over $500k must also include a president contract review cover sheet. Email for a copy of the cover sheet or other contract review questions.

What is the difference between a Waiver of Competition and a Sole Source? When do they apply?

When competition is not possible, and a UCF department must use a specific supplier, a Waiver of Competition or Sole Source exemption may be granted.

Waiver of Competition: Commodities, contractual and construction services between $10,000.01 and $75,000, available only from a single source.

Sole Source Purchase: Commodities, contractual and construction services exceeding $75,000, available only from a single source.

A Waiver of Competition or Sole Source may only be approved if the item/service is unique to only one particular supplier, cannot be obtained from another supplier, and is the only item/service that satisfies the department’s needs.

Additional information on the requirements for Waivers of Competition and Sole Source purchases can be found in section 7B and 7C of the Procurement Services Procedures Manual.

What are piggyback contracts? How can I use them?

Piggyback (or adoptable) contracts are existing contracts awarded by other public agencies or cooperative purchasing groups that the university can use to procure goods or services at any dollar level without additional competition. Although Procurement Services makes the final determination whether a contract can be piggybacked, some factors to consider include similarity in scope of work, pricing, and whether the contract is active. Please see our piggyback contract communication for more information.

Be sure to attach the original solicitation document and awarded supplier’s response to the solicitation to the piggyback requisition or contract. Procurement Services can review the contract and accompanying information prior to requisition or contract input—reach out to us at