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New UCF Fraud Prevention and Detection Regulation
by Tina Maier, CPA, CFE, CIG, Associate Director University Audit

In case you didn’t know, UCF is committed to creating an organizational culture that discourages fraud, proactively identifies potential fraud, and encourages members of the campus community to report activities that may be fraudulent.

During International Fraud Awareness Week (November 14 – 20, 2021), the UCF Board of Trustees approved a university regulation that brings together elements of many existing university regulations and policies aimed at detecting and preventing fraud.

The new regulation is in response to a Florida Board of Governors initiative requiring each state university to adopt a regulation specifically addressing fraud, including fraud prevention and detection policies. The regulation applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors, guests, and others affiliated with the university.

Please take a moment to check out the new regulation. The full regulation can be found in this document.

I’d also like to thank you for all you do to help UCF fight fraud and foster a culture of integrity and trust!