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Headshot photo of Vice President for Compliance, Ethics, and Risk, Rhonda Bishop.

UCF employees are provided with training to conduct university business with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies and procedures. The university’s comprehensive compliance training program helps employees know how to handle situations when they are unsure of the right decision. It also encourages employees to speak up when they witness behavior that may be unethical. Please read this edition’s article, The Importance of Employee Compliance Training at UCF, to learn more about the courses offered and their purpose.

Today kicks off the start of National Compliance and Ethics Week. Each year during the first full week of November, we celebrate this campaign by providing short training videos and an engaging activity. By participating in the campaign, you also have a chance to win a prize. For more information on this year’s Compliance and Ethics week, read the article titled Celebrate 2023 Compliance and Ethics Week and check out the Compliance and Ethic Week webpage dedicated to the event.

Another important topic we’d like to bring attention to in this edition is the university’s responsibilities under the Clery Act. The Clery Act is a federal law that requires the university to meet specific obligations to help keep the campus community safe. Please read the article and this edition’s FAQs to learn more about the Clery Act and how UCF meets the law’s requirements.

Finally, this edition’s Case Corner addresses a report submitted by a student regarding solicitation in the classroom, the Privacy Points section provides tips on how to safeguard data, and we recognize an employee in Administration and Finance for her support and contributions to the university’s comprehensive compliance program.

Thank you all for taking the time to read the IntegrityStar. As always, we welcome your suggestions for topics as well as your feedback. Please write to us at