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Black and gold pegasus over the word integrity.


The University of Central Florida is committed to a culture of integrity, compliance, and accountability that encourages the highest standards of ethical conduct. When university activities and business are not conducted according to these expectations, UCF expects employees to promptly make a good faith report of suspected misconduct. The university has established policies and procedures for appropriately handling reports with the utmost professionalism. This article serves as a reminder to UCF employees of the importance of reporting misconduct and the resources available to support them in doing so.

Understanding the Reporting Process

UCF has a dedicated policy, Policy 2-700 Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation, which outlines the various reporting options  and protection from retaliation.

How to Report

There are several options to report concerns. You may choose to report:

  • to your supervisor,
  • through central or administrative offices having specialized expertise related to the concern,
  • to the UCF IntegrityLine, a secure reporting system administered by an independent third party, available 24/7 for anonymous reporting,
  • or directly to University Compliance and Ethics.

Protection from Retaliation

UCF strictly prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports concerns in good faith. It is prohibited under UCF Policy 2-700 for an individual to engage in identifiable actions with the intention of preventing or deterring a reasonable person, who is aware of such actions, from submitting a report of potential misconduct or participating in a misconduct investigation. The university will take all reasonable and necessary actions to protect individuals who file reports of misconduct and that no adverse action will be taken against them.

UCF’s commitment to ethical conduct is reflected in its robust reporting procedures and protection measures for employees. By fostering an environment where employees can speak up without fear, UCF maintains its reputation as an institution of integrity and trust. More information on reporting misconduct  can be found on the University Compliance and Ethics website. If you have questions related to reporting concerns, please email University Compliance and Ethics at