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Case Corner

Each edition of the IntegrityStar features an actual investigation conducted by the investigative offices here at UCF (note, however, all names have been changed in an effort to provide confidentiality of the parties involved). In this edition, we’ll share details on one of the substantiated cases contained in the 2022 UCF IntegrityLine Report.


An anonymous employee submitted a report to the UCF IntegrityLine alleging that a full time UCF faculty member was employed full-time at another university in a different state. The reporter further alleged that the faculty member was never around and their obligations to UCF were not being fulfilled. University Compliance and Ethics (UCE) initiated an investigation and during the review, identified potential noncompliance with research requirements. UCE engaged the Office of Research Compliance (ORC) to conduct a joint investigation. UCE and ORC reviewed relevant documentation and interviewed personnel, external witnesses, and the subject of the investigation.


UCE and ORC substantiated the allegations that the faculty member was dually employed full-time by UCF and another university and failed to disclose their outside employment to UCF in violation of UCF Regulation 3.018 Conflict of Interest or Commitment; Outside Activity or Employment and UCF Policy 4-504 Reporting Outside Activities, Financial Interests, and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research. The investigation revealed additional violations of UCF regulation, policies, standards, and federal sponsor requirements.


As a result of the substantiated findings, UCE recommended that leadership evaluate appropriate disciplinary action in consultation with relevant university offices. The faculty member was subsequently terminated.

We appreciate the employee who submitted the UCF IntegrityLine report allowing the university the opportunity to rectify this serious noncompliance and abuse of university resources. If you become aware of a situation that you believe is not in accordance with UCF regulations, policies, procedures, or standards of conduct, please report it through the available reporting mechanisms or submit a report through the UCF IntegrityLine.