Compliance and Ethics Week is celebrated nationally the first full week of November each year. During November 7-11, 2016, University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk will schedule activities to raise awareness on compliance and ethics topics and the role of our office. In order to learn more about compliance and ethics topics and for a chance to win prizes, employees can participate in our online crossword puzzle.
The crossword puzzle will be handed out at our table during the October 28 Benefits Fair and posted on our website. Please see the main page of our website to access the crossword puzzle starting on Monday, November 7. Employees who submit a completed and correct crossword puzzle to our email account will be eligible to win a prize. The last entry will be accepted on Friday, November 11. We hope to recognize some of our winners in our next IntegrityStar edition as well!
We also invite you to join us for brown bag lunch and learn events that week on two very important topics:
Topic: Respecting Others
When: Wednesday, November 9, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Where: TA117
Presenter: Tonnette Harris, Interim Director for Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Topic: Information Security
When: Thursday, November 10, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Where: TA117
Presenter: Chris Vakhordjian, Information Security Officer
Please RSVP by logging in to account\Employee Self Service\Learning and Development and selecting either or both events:
Course: RES001- Respecting Others, 11/9/2016
Course: ISO001 – Information Security, 11/10/2016
Green Dot UCF will be hosting their last Green Dot training for the Fall 2016 Semester. The training will be
held on November 10th, from 10:00am- 12:00pm. If you are interested in signing up please sign-up Here. Green Dot is a nationally known Bystander Intervention program. If you have additional questions please email Sam Vega at