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In each IntegrityStar edition, we highlight some frequently asked questions. In this edition we cover some frequently asked questions related to the Clery Act at UCF.


What is a UCF ALERT?

A UCF ALERT is a requirement of the Clery Act, known as an Emergency Notification, that mandates the university to immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or a dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety to students or employees occurring on campus. UCF ALERTs are not intended to cause fear or panic but aim to keep the campus community safe and informed during an emergency.

Did you know? The Emergency Notification requirement is a direct result of the 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting, where 32 students lost their lives. 


What is a Timely Warning?

A Timely Warning message is issued for Clery Crimes that have already occurred at UCF. These messages are aimed to notifying the campus community of criminal situations that have taken place on campus. Timely warning messages contain information and tips to aid in the prevention of similar crimes occurring and to help individuals make informed decisions to protect themselves.


Who is responsible for Clery Compliance at UCF?

Clery Compliance is an institutional responsibility, including reporting responsibilities from campus partners and Campus Security Authorities, such as the UCF Police Department, Title IX, Student Conduct, Housing and Residence Life, and UCF Athletics, just to name a few.  At UCF, Clery compliance is managed by the Clery Compliance Analyst, Debbie Pope, who works at the UCF Police Department, and oversight is conducted by University Compliance and Ethics. Debbie recently completed the Clery Compliance Officer Certification Program and obtained the designation of Certified Clery Compliance Officer. Daily responsibilities of the Clery Compliance Analyst include reviewing UCF police department records, student conduct records, and meeting with campus partners to ensure the proper disclosure of our campus crime statistics and campus safety related policies and procedures are in place.


What is a Campus Security Authority, also known as a CSA?

Employees who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities are designated as a Campus Security Authority (CSA). When these individuals become aware of a crime that occurred on or around campus, they have an obligation under the federal law to report the information to the Clery Compliance Analyst using the CSA Reporting Form. CSAs play a key role in keeping our campus community safe by reporting the information in an accurate and timely manner to ensure that UCF remains informed, and individuals have access to the support and resources offered by the university. CSAs do not investigate information they receive. CSAs who are informed of or witness a crime in progress should notify the UCF Police Department by dialing 9-1-1.

Examples of CSAs at UCF include but are not limited to:

  • All members of the UCF Police Department
  • Presidents/Vice Presidents/Provosts/Deans/Directors
  • Title IX Staff
  • Resident Assistants and Department of Housing Residence Life Staff
  • Athletic coaches and trainers
  • Advisors to student groups/organizations
  • Individuals who monitor access at institutional owned or controlled facilities

Thank you for taking the time to read more about the Clery Act at UCF. If you have additional questions, please contact