The vice president for compliance, ethics, and risk, chief compliance and ethics officer oversees the university’s foreign influence compliance program. Multiple Florida Statutes have been amended or enacted to address inappropriate foreign influence including 286.101, 288.860, 1010.25, 1010.35, 1010.36, and 1012.977. In addition, the Florida Board of Governors (BOG) has implemented BOG Regulation 9.012 Foreign Influence.
University Compliance and Ethics performs foreign influence red flag reviews during the potential outside activity, employment, and conflict of interest and commitment disclosure review process and monitors completions for required disclosures outlined in Florida Statutes Section 1012.977 and University Policy 4-504 Reporting Outside Activities, Financial Interests, and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research.
University Compliance and Ethics also provides oversight and administrative management of the foreign source gifts and contracts reporting process for identifying gifts and contracts with foreign sources and for submitting the required reports under FSS 1010.25 and Section 117 of the Higher Education Act.
Additionally, the office oversees compliance with Florida Statutes Section 286.101 which prohibits UCF, employees, and representatives of UCF from soliciting or accepting any gift in its official capacity, including any physical object, loan, reward, promise of future employment, favor, or service, from a college or university based in a foreign country of concern or from a foreign principal. A gift in this context is defined as any transfer of money or property from one entity to another without compensation.
The university website, Protecting Against Foreign Influence, provides an overview of the risks related to inappropriate foreign influence.