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University Compliance and Ethics receives allegations of misconduct or noncompliance through multiple channels, including direct reports from employees, compliance partners, individuals, entities external to the university, and through the UCF IntegrityLine. Allegations of misconduct or noncompliance may also be identified through monitoring and other program activities. The office initiates, conducts, supervises, coordinates, or refers to other appropriate offices investigations of misconduct or noncompliance, or performs reviews deemed appropriate in accordance with university regulations and policies, state statutes, and federal regulations.

As part of an effective compliance and ethics program, organizations are required to have and publicize a system that allows for anonymity or confidentiality, whereby members of the university community can report or seek guidance regarding potential or actual misconduct without the fear of retaliation. All members of the UCF community are expected and encouraged to make good faith reports of suspected misconduct. These expectations are communicated in UCF Policy 2-700 Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation. The policy includes procedures for when to report and the communication lines that are available for reporting. As part of the options for reporting, the UCF IntegrityLine, the anonymous reporting line, is provided and publicized to all members of the university community. The UCF IntegrityLine is a secure reporting system administered by an independent third party. The IntegrityLine is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is located at, or by calling 1-855-877-6049 toll-free. The third-party uses their case management system to provide an anonymous way for individuals who may be reluctant to report suspected misconduct through university administrative or central offices. The internet portal never identifies a visitor and deletes the internet address so that anonymity is preserved. Callers are not traced or recorded.