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In each IntegrityStar edition, we provide a list of new or updated UCF policies and regulations to keep you informed of the various requirements that you need to know. Since the publication of our last IntegrityStar edition, UCF issued the following new or revised policies and regulations:


2-004.3 Nondiscrimination Policy

2-012.2 Title IX Grievance Policy

2-014 Amorous Relationships Prohibition

2-015 Reporting Requirements Related to Nondiscrimination

2-016 Remedial Measures, Prevention, & Education Related to Nondiscrimination

2-017 Prohibition of Discrimination in University Training and Instruction

3-125 Real Estate Transactions

3-130 Fire Prevention Policy

3-132 UCF Identification Cards and Badges

4-002.5 Use of Information Technologies and Resources


2.035 Institutes and Centers

3.001 Nondiscrimination; Affirmative Action Programs

3.0124 Discipline and Termination for Cause of Non-unit Faculty and A&P Staff Members

3.0134 Complaints and Grievances Alleging Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

3.002 Nondiscrimination in University Training and Instruction

5.006 Student Rights and Responsibilities

5.008 Rules of Conduct

5.012 Organizational Rules of Conduct

10.001 College of Medicine Faculty Practice Plan


The online repository of UCF policies and procedures is available through the UCF Policies website.  UCF regulations are online through the regulations website.

Draft policies submitted to the University Policies and Procedures Committee will be published for two weeks in the policies and procedures library for review and comment by the university community. Comments will be provided to the committee and the initiating and responsible authority for consideration. After the committee has voted to approve the policy, the chair forwards it to the president for his final review and approval.

Please be sure to sign up to receive notifications when policies and regulations are posted for comment.