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Online Employee Training Modules

There are several ways to enroll in a course through Workday. Individuals can enroll themselves, managers can enroll their team members, and learning administrators can enroll anyone in the university into a course.

Workday system logo


  1. Sign in through myUCF.
  2. Select “Workday”
  3. In the search bar at the top of the screen, type “Browse Learning Content” and select “Browse Learning Content” from the search results.
  4. Search for the course by entering the course number or course name in the catalog search bar; you can narrow the search by using the filters on the left side of the screen.

Should you encounter any difficulties accessing our office’s online training modules, please do not hesitate to contact us at


New Hire UCF Employee Code of Conduct-Speak Up Training (Workday Course Code UCE001)
This self-paced course contains two separate courses: UCF Employee Code of Conduct Training and Speak Up! Online Whistleblower Training. Each course contains its own material and quiz, though some of the content may overlap.

The purpose of the UCF Employee Code of Conduct is to provide one guiding document that highlights many of the laws, regulations, UCF policies, and ethical standards that employees are already expected to follow. It can also serve as a resource for employees when faced with questions or ethical dilemmas. This course contains the full contents of the UCF Employee Code of Conduct. At the end of this portion of the course, there will be a mandatory quiz to verify your understanding of the requirements contained in the UCF Employee Code of Conduct.

The purpose of the UCF Speak Up training is to provide an overview of university policies on reporting misconduct, explain protection from retaliation and whistle-blower protections, and assist employees in understanding their responsibility to report concerns.  At the end of this portion of the course, there will be a mandatory quiz to verify your understanding of when to report misconduct, where to report misconduct, and the protections you have when making such a report.

Potential Conflicts – Florida Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees Training (Workday Course Code UCE003)
This self-paced course provides an overview of Florida Statutes Chapter 112, part III Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (state ethics laws).

By the end of this training, you will be able to identify prohibited actions or conduct and know what the reporting requirements are to the state and to UCF.

Gifts & Honoraria Training (Workday Course Code CER033)
This self-paced course is based on Florida Statutes Chapter 112, part III Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (state ethics laws), specifically as it relates to employees soliciting and receiving gifts and honoraria.

By the end of this training, you will be able to identify allowable gifts and honoraria in compliance with state ethics laws and university standards, and you will know what the reporting requirements are to the state when accepting certain gifts and honoraria.

Protection of Vulnerable Persons (Workday Course Code CER037)
This self-paced training provides you with information on a Florida law that impacts us all and gives an overview of the Florida Board of Governors State University System regulations and State of Florida Statutes on identifying and reporting child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.

The University of Central Florida often engages with the community through a number of events, happenings, and services on campus. The University is committed to protecting the well-being of all members of the campus community, including vulnerable persons or minors.

For any questions or concerns related to abuse, abandonment, or neglect of a minor, please contact the University Compliance and Ethics for assistance and guidance.

An image of a person instructing another person.


Ethical Leadership (Workday Course Code LDR005)

Distinguishing ethical behavior may seem straightforward; however, there will be situations when “doing the right thing” will not be clear. This in-person workshop includes discussion of the key tenets of ethical decision making, UCF’s framework for thinking ethically, and application of the tenets and framework to real-world scenarios.

Online Interactive Trainings and Videos


Computer mouse with wire spelling out the word training.

(Click on the category name below to view online trainings and videos available on the topic)