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This edition of the IntegrityStar highlights a very important policy, UCF 3-128, University Volunteers.
The university recognizes the vital role that volunteers play in supporting the university’s mission. Anyone, including current or retired employees, students, alumni, or others, may provide volunteer services to the university with some restrictions.

A volunteer is defined as:

An unpaid individual who freely offers his or her services to the University of Central Florida without any expectation of receiving pay, compensation, or other benefits, (including future employment with the university), in order to support the activities and mission of the university and/or gain experience in specific endeavors.


  • Current university employees: may serve as volunteers in any capacity that is outside the course and scope of their paid employment with the university.
  • Students: may serve as volunteers for the university for services that are outside of their degree requirements. Students are NOT volunteers for any activities for which they are receiving credit, fulfilling a degree requirement, or are part of their course syllabus.

Before an individual can start his or her volunteer assignment, the departments must complete the following procedure:

1.     Complete the Volunteer Services Agreement. The form can be found here: There are two versions of the form as volunteers under the age of 18 require parent or guardian approval. Please select the appropriate link.

The Volunteer Services Agreement is completed using the secure DocuSign system.

2.     Complete the Appropriate Training. Training such as lab safety training, FERPA training, etc. must be completed prior to the start of the volunteer assignment.

3.     Complete the Golf Carts and Automobile Training. If volunteers are expected to operate utility carts or vehicles as part of their volunteer assignment, they must complete the Golf Cart & Utility Vehicle training and/or complete the Automobile Requirements.

Golf Cart & Utility Vehicle Training

Automobile Requirements

For questions or concerns, please contact Risk Management at 3-0863.