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Headshot of Rhonda L. Bishop

Starting today, November 7, we begin our annual celebration of Compliance and Ethics Week. As in past years, we’ve planned fun activities for you with a chance to win prizes.  For more information on this week’s festivities, read the article titled, Celebrate Compliance and Ethics Week and check out the webpage dedicated to the event.

This past spring, we launched our fourth Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey, and through our partnership with the Office of Excellence and Operational Support, we received the final results report during the summer.  Every two years we distribute surveys to employees asking questions about their awareness of the various components of the compliance and ethics program, their view of leadership, witnessed misconduct, their comfort reporting misconduct, and perceptions regarding protections from retaliation. We benchmarked results against prior years, and this year, we obtained a 6-year trend report. The results were very interesting. As I have done in previous years, I wanted to share those results with you in this edition of the IntegrityStar. Please take a minute to read the article titled Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey Results and let us know your thoughts. Additionally, we devoted the FAQ section of this edition to address questions and comments received through the Culture Survey.

Another article that you might find interesting is the UCF IntegrityLine Report. Each calendar year, the office prepares and issues this report containing a summary of the types of reports submitted through the UCF IntegrityLine, the investigation outcomes and any trends that were identified during the year. The Case Corner section of this edition is directly tied to the results of the culture survey and the IntegrityLine report. Please also take a minute to read these articles, and the Audit Unlocked article.

Thank you all for taking the time to read the IntegrityStar. As always, we welcome your suggestions for topics as well as your feedback. Please write to us at