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In each IntegrityStar edition, we highlight some frequently asked questions. In this edition, we provide feedback that we received in the comments section of the 2022 Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey (yes, we read every single one) with the university’s response.


Comment/Question #1:  Do managers receive the same ethical and equality/equity trainings as I?

Response:  Yes, all managers and even executive staff are required to take, and do complete, the same mandatory courses that employees take upon hire and annually.


Comment/Question #2:  So, for all the different items, values, creed, employee conduct, policies and  regulations.  There are so many disparate rules all over the place.  And they keep changing. How can I know if I’m following them?

Response:  The UCF Employee Code of Conduct is essentially a one stop shop. It is a guiding document that houses our ethical standards, the UCF Creed, and highlights laws, regulations, and policies which our employees are expected to follow. It is updated bi-annually, and the most current version is always available here. All UCF policies can also be found on the UCF Policies Page and by subscribing to notifications here, you will always receive email notifications of any policy changes. Regulations are posted on the UCF Regulations Page and you may also subscribe to these here.  If at any time you have a question or need guidance, please contact


Comment/Question #3: While UCF does a great job making ethical concerns clear and takes action, I do feel some rules are too strict. Especially when our state government leaders do not follow rules themselves about conflicts of interest or taking perks. It sends a bad message and makes employees feel like there are multiple sets of rules depending on how much power you have.

Response:  While we can only respond to the situations that we know about, we do provide consistent guidance depending on the facts of each situation. If you believe someone is violating a rule, i.e., taking a perk, please contact our office directly at or submit an IntegrityLine report.


Comment/Question #4: The UCF HR website states that OPS positions are seasonal and temporary, but I have seen this role be abused again and again, with employees intentionally left in the role for YEARS with no promise or intention of receiving benefits. As a result, we experience high turnover and lose great employees because they cannot even enjoy a sick day when they are sick. I have raised this concern to several UCF leaders and absolutely nothing has been looked into.

Response:  The university had been working on a policy to address this and other concerns related to this employee type. The policy was submitted in May 2022 for review by the University Policies and Procedures Committee and approved by the president in June 2022 – UCF 3-013 Non-Student Hourly Other Personnel Services (OPS) Employment Policy is now in the policy library. This policy makes it clear that these are temporary positions.


Comment/Question #5: I believe hiring practices should be the same across the board, at every level. Appointing someone to a position should not occur. Full searches should always be the practice to promote transparency and ethical practices.

Response: UCF is committed to ensuring access and equity to all qualified individuals to its employment opportunities, programs, and services and has developed policies, procedures, practices, and training in furtherance of this commitment.  UCF’s Office of Institutional Equity is responsible for ensuring the university’s compliance with various Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (AA/EEO) rules, regulations, and reporting, monitoring the university’s search and hire process for compliance with AAO/EEO regulations, and search committee training and education. Additionally, the Office of Institutional Equity collaborates with Human Resources-Talent Acquisition and Faculty Excellence-Personnel Administration in support of the university’s commitment by monitoring search process compliance.

An overview of the search protocols for each category of employment is as follows:

Employment Category Search Protocol by Position Type*
Faculty Regular and Visiting-Renewable Posted and search committee utilized
Visiting < 1-year Exempt from posting
A&P Assistant Vice President and above Posted and search committee utilized
Directors (at all other levels) Posted and interview panel utilized; search committee optional
All other A&P positions Posted and interview panel or search committee optional
Visiting < 1-year Exempt from posting
USPS All USPS positions Posted and interview panel or search committee optional
Visiting < 1-year Exempt from posting
OPS (non-student) All OPS (non-student) positions See OPS Non-Student Policy; There are approved exceptions identified in the policy


*OIE may approve exemptions to the posting process in specific situations that support the UCF’s Affirmative Action Plan or provide other benefits to the University. This is allowable under employment laws and under the university’s hiring practices. This may occur in cases involving a critical, time-sensitive operational need and/or the unique requirements of the position. There are also approved exceptions outlined in the UCF Salary Administration Guidelines such as Promotions or Reclassifications.


Comment/Question #6: The IntegrityLine is not beneficial being that if you report an incident, it comes back to your department to resolve. That being said what is the benefit of reporting to the IntegrityLine if your issue is going back to the place that is causing you pain.

Response: The UCF IntegrityLine is one of many reporting options for submitting concerns of potential misconduct. Depending on the nature of the concerns, it may be more appropriate for leadership to address versus an investigative office, or central administrative office. University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk works with the appropriate individual in a college or unit to address a concern and maintains oversight of the issue until it is resolved. If leadership is not aware of an issue, they should be given the opportunity to resolve it first. Here are some examples of concerns that, when submitted to the IntegrityLine, may be referred to leadership:

        • Your co-worker takes personal calls consistently throughout the day and it is disrupting your ability to complete your work.
        • Your supervisor appears to favor one employee over the others, including you, and it is causing workplace issues among the team.
        • You don’t get along with another employee in the office, you believe they are rude and unprofessional.
        • You don’t like the way another supervisor treats their student interns.

UCF Policy 2-700 Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation states that reports of suspected misconduct should normally be raised first with an individual’s supervisor, or appropriate college, department, or unit administrator. Colleges and departments usually are most familiar with the issues and personnel involved and, therefore, may be best suited to address a concern. University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk evaluates reports to determine the appropriate office to investigate the concern or works with the appropriate college or unit to address the issue. Please refer to the below table for the types of allegations and the investigative office that handles each. When these matters are reported to the UCF IntegrityLine, the reports are referred to the appropriate investigative office.

Type of Concern Where to Report Concern Who Should Report Concern
Employee is seeking whistle-blower protection (for any type of concern) University Audit
Phone: 407-823-2889
Employee only
Suspected Fraud, Theft, Corruption, Waste, or Abuse

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • inappropriate purchases using university or DSO funds, theft or misuse of university resources (fixed assets or tangible resources),
  • misappropriation of funds including grant and DSO funds,
  • theft of university information for personal gain or identity theft,
  • ransomware attempts,
  • financial related or procurement wrongdoing,
  • fiscal irregularities,
  • inappropriate expenditures or revenues,
  • fictitious vendors,
  • authorizing vendor payments for goods/services not received,
  • time sheet or payroll falsification,
  • falsification of reports to management or external agencies,
  • forgery, destruction, or alteration of documents,
  • academic related fraud (grade alteration, bribery, or falsification of data
  • kickbacks or third-party related transactions
  • inappropriate receipt of employee benefits
University Audit
Phone: 407-823-2889

Employee, but manager should follow up to ensure the concern was reported to University Audit by the employee.

Per UCF Regulation 4.015 Fraud Prevention and Detection, all employees aware of fraud or wrongdoing are required to report to University Audit.

Incident of Child Abuse, Neglect or Abandonment

Florida Department of Children and Families
University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk
Toll Free: 1-855-877-6049

Employee and Manager
Allegations or Disclosure of Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

  • Differential treatment or offensive comments/conduct based on a protected class
  • Protected class includes race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or non-religion, age, genetic information, sex (including pregnancy and parental status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation), marital status, physical or mental disability, and veteran’s status
  • Discrimination can include failure to provide reasonable accommodations based on disability, pregnancy or religion
  • Retaliation for making a good faith report of discrimination or harassment or participating in or being a party to any proceeding under UCF’s nondiscrimination policies and regulations

Office of Institutional Equity
OIE Email:
OIE Phone: (407) 823-1336

Employee alleging discrimination, harassment or retaliation can call or email OIE directly to discuss their concern and learn about investigatory options and resources.  If the employee prefers (but is not required), they also can submit an OIE Intake Form to initiate contact with OIE and/or submit a Discrimination, Retaliation and Harassment Complaint Form if they wish to initiate a complaint.

Manager is required to report to OIE once they know or should have known about an incident of discrimination or harassment where the Respondent is a university employee, DSO employee or volunteer.

Employee without supervisory duties may contact OIE directly.

Allegations or disclosure of a student being involved in an incident as a complainant, respondent, and/or witness of any of the following:

  • sex/gender-based discrimination or harassment
  • sexual harassment
  • Title IX sexual harassment
  • sexual assault
  • sexual exploitation
  • relationship violence, and/or stalking

Office of Institutional Equity

Complete and Submit Reporting Form: Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct or Interpersonal Violence

OIE Email:
OIE Phone: (407) 823-1336

Employee and Supervisor
(One form can be submitted but should note both individuals’ awareness of the concern)

Suspected Inappropriate Amorous Relationship or Disclosure of Amorous Relationship Between Employees and Students or Between Employees

In general, university policy prohibits an amorous relationship from being pursued or engaged in:

  • Between a university/DSO employee or volunteer and an undergraduate student
  • Between a university/DSO employees or volunteer and a graduate student under that individual’s authority
  • Between graduate students and another student under that graduate student’s authority
  • Between a university/DSO employee and an employee whom they supervise

Office of Institutional Equity
OIE Email:
OIE Phone: (407) 823-1336

Amorous Relationship Disclosure Form for Employees

Amorous Relationship Disclosure Form for Graduate Students

Manager is required to report to OIE once they know or should have known about an inappropriate amorous relationship.

If employee involved in an amorous relationship, they may have a duty to complete a disclosure form.  The employee should speak further with OIE as to whether the disclosure form is required.

Alleged legal violations or violations of university regulation and policies not subject to reporting to University Audit or OIE (as described above), such as violations of the:

University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk
Toll Free: 1-855-877-6049

Employee and/or Manager