IntegrityStar – July 2019 | See Previous Editions

IntegrityStar UCF Compliance & Ethics Newsletter UCF Compliance & Ethics Newsletter

Reluctant to use the UCF IntegrityLine?

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“Our university’s compliance and ethics office expects me to report any wrongdoing that I might observe or suspect. So far I haven’t been put to the test, but just thinking about the possibility of ‘reporting’ something on the IntegrityLine makes me feel uncomfortable.”

Have you had similar thoughts?

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An Update on UCF IntegrityLine Reporting

The UCF IntegrityLine launched on September 29, 2014, and received a total of 72 reports the first year. Since then, we have seen a significant increase in the amount of reports filed. Below is additional information you might find interesting about the reports received in 2018.

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Reporting Misconduct – Is the Door Really Open?

All employees have an obligation to report suspicions of wrongdoing. UCF strives to create an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable raising, discussing, and reporting compliance and ethical questions and concerns. When concerns are discussed openly, we can correct issues before they turn into big problems. Our managers understand this and most of them practice an “open door” policy that encourages issues to be reported. But despite our best intentions, sometimes employees see nothing but trouble beyond that open door. Let’s explore some of the reasons that stop employees from reporting and some simple changes that can help to change their minds.



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A message fromUniversity Compliance, Ethics, and Risk

All of us at some point in our education, our careers, and life, will be presented with a situation where we have two choices – to remain silent, or to speak up.

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In the Spotlight In the Spotlight

This edition of the IntegrityStar highlights a current but very important policy, UCF 2-800.1 Fraud Prevention and Detection.

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Recognition Recognition

In this Recognition section, we’d like to acknowledge Dr. Masahiro Ishigami.

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New Policies New or Updated UCF Policies and Regulations



Read about the new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.

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In each IntegrityStar edition, we highlight some frequently asked questions. In this eleventh edition, we offer the following questions and answers regarding raising concerns using management’s open door policy.

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In Our Next Edition In Our Next Edition

Our twelfth edition will be out in the fall of 2019.

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