2023 UCF IntegrityLine Report
During the 2023 calendar year, the UCF IntegrityLine received a total of 262 reports. Of these reports 253 contained allegations of suspected misconduct or ethical concerns and nine reports were inquiries. Read this article to view the full 2023 UCF IntegrityLine Report.
New Revisions to the Fair Labor Standards Act Overtime Pay Threshold
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), administered by the U.S. Department of Labor since 1938, establishes federal minimum wage, overtime pay, and recordkeeping requirements for all employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments, including Higher Education. On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor published changes to update the minimum salary levels needed for jobs to be exempt from overtime pay under the FLSA. Read this article to learn more about the revisions.
Case Corner
Read details about one of the substantiated investigations from the 2023 UCF IntegrityLine Report.
A message fromRhonda L. Bishop
This edition of the IntegrityStar features articles on the 2023 IntegrityLine Report, how to report misconduct at UCF, and a substantiated IntegrityLine investigation featured in the Case Corner section. Also, in this edition is an article and FAQs on the Fair Labor Standards Act revisions affecting overtime pay, guidelines and best practices when using emerging technologies for university business, and recognition of an administrator’s contributions to UCF’s compliance and ethics program.

Privacy Points
Review guidelines and best practices when using emerging technologies for university business.

Join us in recognizing the university registrar for his contributions to UCF’s compliance and ethics program.

New Policies
See the list of new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.