UCF Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey
All employees should have received an email invitation to participate in the UCF Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey. The survey takes less than five minutes and we are asking everyone to participate. If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If you have not, please complete the survey before it closes on March 30, 2018.
Minors on Campus
UCF is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for minors who visit our campus or participate in our off-campus programs. In support of that commitment, University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk established a Minors on Campus Committee to develop a youth protection program and policy. The Minors on Campus Committee consists of representatives from the Office of Institutional Equity, Human Resources, Continuing Education, Environmental Health and Safety, Office of the General Counsel, Procurement Services, and Student Development and Enrollment Services. The purpose of the new youth protection program and policy is to take a proactive approach in protecting minors by providing educational and training opportunities to university employees and volunteers.
Gifts and Honoraria Reviews
University policy UCF 2-009 Gifts and Honoraria was approved in June 2017, and since its implementation, we have received a number of questions about the applicability of the policy in various scenarios. In this article, we provide several scenarios and questions raised by employees, along with the responses provided by our office. What we noticed was that sometimes the scenarios did not fall within the scope of the Gifts and Honoraria policy but, rather, the activity required review under university regulation UCF-3.018 Conflict of Interest or Commitment; Outside Activity or Employment. Please take a minute to review the scenarios and responses to learn more.
A message fromUniversity Compliance, Ethics, and Risk
On behalf of the compliance and ethics staff and the compliance partners across the university, we dedicate this IntegrityStar edition to the university’s first chief compliance and ethics officer, Rhonda L. Bishop.

In the Spotlight
On January 9, 2018, President Hitt sent an email announcing the Let’s Be Clear campaign. That email is included in this edition of the IntegrityStar.

This month, UCF’s first chief compliance and ethics officer, Ms. Rhonda Bishop, will be leaving UCF to move on to the next chapter in her career.

New or Updated UCF Policies and Regulations
Read about the new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.