UCF Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey
On March 16, we distributed an email asking employees to participate in the UCF Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey. All university employees, including hourly and student employees with email addresses, received the invitation to participate in the anonymous survey. The survey contained questions about the employee’s familiarity with our office, the UCF IntegrityLine, UCF policies and regulations. It also asked whether employees had experienced or witnessed misconduct, bullying, or retaliation, and if so, whether they reported it. The survey also offered a comments section for employees to provide feedback or concerns about compliance and ethics. Of the 7,276 university employees emailed, 2,137 employees (29.4%) responded. The following summary highlights the key responses.
Online UCF Web Course - Gifts and Honoraria Training Now Available!
What do you know about the laws in Florida that restrict soliciting and accepting gifts and honoraria? Were you aware that UCF employees, as state employees, are subject to the Florida Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (state ethics laws), which include restrictions on soliciting and accepting gifts and honoraria? Many employees have requested assistance from our office on this topic. The statutes can be quite complicated and dependent on many factors, such as:
- Do you meet the state definition of a procurement employee?
- Are you a state Form 1 filer?
- Who is giving you the gift or honoraria?
- What is the value?
- What is the purpose?
Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation
If you are not familiar with the UCF policy on reporting misconduct and protection from retaliation, we encourage you to read the full policy, available at Reporting Misconduct and Protection from Retaliation. This policy declares UCF’s commitment to a culture of integrity, compliance, and accountability that encourages the highest standards of ethical behavior.
A message fromRhonda L. Bishop
We are excited to bring you this second edition of our e-newsletter, the IntegrityStar. We received some very positive feedback to our first edition, and we hope that you find this edition as informative and enjoyable to read.

In the Spotlight
Jonathan Beever, Ph.D., is the assistant professor of Ethics and Digital Culture in the Department of Philosophy and is the new director of the Theoretical and Applied Ethics Certificate Program.

New or Updated UCF Policies and Regulations
Read about the new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.

In each IntegrityStar edition, we will highlight some frequently asked questions. In this second edition, we offer the following questions and answers related to gifts.
In Our Next Edition
Our third edition will be in the fall of 2016. Our main theme will be the awareness efforts planned for the upcoming Compliance and Ethics Week celebration during the first week in November.