A Caring Community: A Message from Interim Provost Michael Johnson
This is an unprecedented time for our society and for all of us at UCF, both personally and professionally. We have asked a lot from you, and I am grateful for the way you have worked thoughtfully, creatively, and hard to help our students succeed. Thank you!
I am writing to give an update, but more importantly to acknowledge the critical need to care for our students and one another during these extraordinary circumstances.
Ethical Culture & Compliance Perception Survey
As part of UCF’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism and continued efforts to apply those standards, we are currently evaluating the compliance and ethics culture at UCF. In connection with that initiative, all employees have been asked to participate in an Ethical Culture & Compliance Perceptions Survey to gauge the ethical culture and health of UCF.
Procurement Services - Some Helpful Guidance
The primary mission of UCF Procurement Services is to support the university by procuring goods and services that sustain, foster, and promote the educational and research mission of the university. Our goal is to do this in the most ethical, efficient, and courteous manner possible while adhering to the letter and intent of all applicable laws, regulations and policies.
The procurement process is not meant to be cumbersome or deter you from getting what you need—quite the opposite! Our job is to assist you in securing the items and services you need and help you plan for future purchases while remaining compliant with state and university rules.
A message fromRhonda L. Bishop
During a time of uncertainty, we tend to seek out and hold onto the things that remain unchanged in our lives to reassure us that everything will be okay. For many of us shifting to remote work, how we do our work looks very different than what it did a month ago. For those designated to work on campus, the actual work itself may have changed. While these can be unsettling times, what has remained unchanged is the UCF community that cares about one another.

Audit Unlocked
University Audit shares some information on fraud awareness and prevention through training for university employees.

In this Recognition section, we’d like to acknowledge all dedicated Knights.

New Policies & Regulations
Read about the new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.