Resolving Workplace Conflicts
Workplace conflict wears many faces and is bound to occur in every workplace. Learning and applying some conflict resolution communication strategies can help you to resolve conflict before it becomes too big to handle. This article provides tips to identify and resolve conflicts within the workplace.
The Subtleties of Discriminatory Harassment
The law and university policy prohibit harassment or discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion or non-religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, genetic information, marital status, political affiliations, veteran’s status, or disability. But small, seemingly harmless actions can add up to creating a situation that could be considered hostile. This article discusses our responsibility to recognize harassment in all its subtle forms whenever it occurs, and steps to take to prevent it.
2020 UCF IntegrityLine Report
Each calendar year, University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk prepares and issues the UCF IntegrityLine annual report. During the 2020 calendar year, the UCF IntegrityLine received a total of 608 reports, a significant increase (223%) from the 188 reports submitted in 2019. This article features a summary of the 2020 UCF IntegrityLine annual report.
Case Corner
Each edition of the IntegrityStar features an actual investigation conducted by the investigative offices here at UCF (note, however, all names have be changed in an effort to provide confidentiality of the parties involved). In this edition, we turn our focus to a case involving allegations of offensive and inappropriate communications and potential discrimination that was investigated jointly by University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk and the Office of Institutional Equity.
A message fromRhonda L. Bishop
We all want to work in an environment where we feel respected. This is so important to us here at UCF that Respect is one of the ethical standards contained within our Code of Conduct. Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable in any working environment. This is why it is so important for us to appropriately handle conflict and prevent it from creating an environment where others do not feel respected. Please take a moment to read this edition of the IntegrityStar focused on Respect in the workplace.

Audit Unlocked
by Tina Maier, CPA, CFE, CIG, Associate Director University Audit
Starting off with the crux of the matter: Actual hours worked should be recorded on an hourly employee’s timecard. Period. No bones about it. Please take a few minutes to read this edition of Audit Unlocked that clarifies misconceptions regarding the recording of employee’s work hours, as well as information about the TS Helper resource.

In this Recognition section, we’d like to acknowledge the Rosen College of Hospitality Management for achieving 100% compliance with employee submission with the outside activity, potential conflict of interest and commitment online disclosure within the required deadline.

New Policies
Read about the new or updated UCF policies and regulations that were recently approved.

In each IntegrityStar edition, we highlight some frequently asked questions. This edition’s focus is on Resolving Workplace Conflicts and the Subtleties of Discriminatory Harassment.