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All program sponsors and program staff must successfully pass a State of Florida level 2 background check in accordance with federal and state laws, as well as UCF Policy 3-011 Background Checks. Eligibility to work supervising minors will be determined by the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Background checks are required to be completed at least once every five years to remain in compliance with Section 39.001, Florida Statutes, and industry standards.  If there is a break in service for longer than 90 days, the individual must have another background check completed and be cleared again, prior to returning to work with minors.  UCF also reserves the right to conduct screenings at any time after a program has begun.

Volunteers who assist on an intermittent basis for less than 10 hours per month need not have a background check, as long as a person who meets the level 2 background check requirement is always present and has the volunteer within sight.

UCF Youth Programs may contact UCF HR Backgrounds for additional information.

UCF Human Resources Department
3280 Progress Drive
Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32826-3229
Phone: (407) 823-2771
Fax: (407) 823-1095


Direct Support Organization (DSO) and Third-party Organizations

DSO and third-party organizations are required to electronically sign consent on the Third Party Completed Background Check Certification form within Squire at least five days prior to the start date of the program or activity. This form should then be uploaded to the program session registration within Squire.

International Organizations

International Program Sponsors and program staff are required to obtain a Level 2 background check clearance directly from the State of Florida. After completing all necessary background checks, Program Sponsors must electronically sign the Third-Party Program Background Check Certification Consent Form within the Squire Youth Program Registration Portal (Squire Portal) prior to the start of the program. Consequently, international Program Sponsors and staff may need to travel to the United States to complete the clearance process prior to the program's anticipated start. Please note, all background checks will require the use of a Social Security number, or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). It is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number "9", formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNNN).

To obtain an ITIN, you must complete IRS Form W-7, IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. The Form W-7 requires documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and true identity for each individual. You may either mail the documentation, along with the Form W-7, to the address shown in the Form W-7 Instructions, present it at IRS walk-in offices, or process your application through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS.

Acceptance Agents are entities (colleges, financial institutions, accounting firms, etc.) who are authorized by the IRS to assist applicants in obtaining ITINs. They review the applicant's documentation and forward the completed Form W-7 to the IRS for processing.

Further information on how to obtain an ITIN from abroad can be found on the IRS website.