All activities or programs subject to the Youth Protection policy must register with University Compliance and Ethics through the Squire registration system.
As part of the registration process, the program sponsor must submit the following information at least 45 days prior to the start date of the program/activity:
- Program title, description, length of session, and location, and university facilities being utilized if applicable.
- Overnight stay details, including at least two program staff indicated residing overnight, if applicable.
- Program sponsor’s contact information (and a primary contact for the program if different from the program sponsor).
- Information on all program staff, including name, phone number, email address, employee or volunteer status with UCF or the third-party organization, and the number of hours the staff member will be working with the minors. This must be completed at least five business days prior to the program start date.
- Proof of Camp Insurance purchased through the office of Enterprise Risk and Insurance for UCF Programs, or for third-party organizations a Certificate of Insurance listing the university as an additional insured (see sample certificate on the Youth Protection Program Resources webpage).
- A detailed safety plan providing step-by-step instructions for program staff to follow in the case of an emergency. A template is located on the Youth Protection Program Resources webpage.
- A list of all participating minors must be uploaded to the program registration in Squire within five days after the program start date.
Once the registration has been submitted, University Compliance and Ethics will review the information and communicate any deficiencies to the program sponsor or campus liaison. Program sponsors will receive an email notification once the review has been completed.
The following types of programs are not required to register:
- Events open to the public where guardians or chaperones are invited or expected to accompany and supervise minors;
- Field trips or visits supervised by a minor’s school or organization (NOTE: This does not apply to organizations that reserve university space restricting it from public or university use. These types of programs are required to register.);
- Patient-care activities relating to minors;
- Recruited student-athlete “official visits” involving minors;
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved research involving minors;
- Minors who are employed by or volunteering/interning for the university (refer to UCF Policy 3-128 University Volunteers for requirements);
- Minors who are enrolled, dually enrolled, or accepted for enrollment at the university (including courses offered through the UCF Division of Continuing Education); or
- Licensed childcare facilities on campus.
For questions on how to log in and complete the registration process please use the Squire Registration Help Guide for Program Sponsors or contact University Compliance and Ethics by email at

Emergency Notifications for Third Parties
Visitors to UCF who do not have active UCF credentials may register to receive emergency notifications through the UCF Mobile App. To receive alerts, download the UCF Mobile App to your smartphone or device and follow these steps:
- Select the “Safety” icon on the main screen
- Select the UCF Alerts dropdown menu
- Select the “Opt into UCF Alerts Push Notification
- Select the green “Opt in” button on the top right of your screen
- You’re done!
Make sure your device has enabled notifications for this UCF Mobile App. You’ll receive important information regarding emergencies on campus with instructions to help you make decisions to stay safe. You can opt out of receiving these notifications at any time.